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Want to work one-on-one with a trainer to help set your goals and stick to them?


Send us an email explaining what exactly you're looking for in a health and wellness program and we'll set you up with a certified coach who can help you reach your goals on days and times that are convenient to you.

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The physical challenges of HYROX are not only about strength and endurance, but also about efficiency, technique, and the ability to recover quickly between exercises. Athletes must also be able to adapt quickly to different exercises, as the workouts have a variety of movements that require different muscle groups.

In terms of mental challenges, HYROX requires strategic planning and pacing. Athletes must know when to push hard and when to conserve energy. They must also deal with the mental fatigue that comes with prolonged physical exertion and maintain focus and concentration throughout the workouts.

The scientific foundation of HYROX lies in the principles of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and functional fitness. HIIT is a training method that has been shown to improve both aerobic and anaerobic fitness, while functional fitness exercises are designed to improve strength, power, and mobility - all key components of the HYROX race.

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